How a Coach can support you and a better way of living!
To create a significant change in your life – from career, health/wellbeing, relationships, finances and more – can be difficult for most people. Humans are naturally wired to stay in the known or familiar state/place of being to keep us safe. While this tactic served us well in the dark ages, we now need to adapt to the countless changes around us and be open and flexible to adapting and growing with those changes.
This wiring of our homeostasis is often the reason many of us don’t stick with our New Year’s Resolutions or give up on our goals after only a few weeks.
This is where having a professional Coach can help you to overcome (and over-ride) your body’s natural desire to return to the old. With only your best interests in mind, your coach motivates, challenges, and continues to support you in keeping you accountable to reaching your goals.
If you are interested in learning more about Coaching and how it can assist you, please reach out to discuss my introductory packages.
Simone Larmer is a Wellness Coach and supports others to achieve greater harmony and wellbeing in their lives and a better way of living (from career, relationships, financial, wellness, weight management, stress management and overall lifestyle).
ALERT: Book for Simone's upcoming May 2024 (3 week course): Introduction to Coaching - Create a Better Way of Being - Northern Beaches Community College (